Teatro a las 5 (Theather at 5)
On weekends, at 5 in the afternoon (Lorca time par excellence), we put on stage short theatrical pieces by García Lorca, lasting 60 minutes, accompanied by singing, dancing and guitar.
Lorca Theather
Federico García Lorca and flamenco have always gone hand in hand. The poet from Granada and Manuel de Falla have been the intellectuals who have fought the most in Spain for flamenco art and the defense of the gypsy people.

Mónica Tellotells us aboutTeatro a las 5 (Theather at 5)
For three years, we have here at the tablao torero Teatro at five.
And what does Teatro a las 5 (Theather at 5) consist of?
Well, they are works by Federico García Lorca in which flamenco and theater have no stage barrier. Theater at Five is also quite an experience for the spectator, since prior to the play we meet the team of actors, the management team, the entire artistic team meets with the public explaining the play they are going to see.
And after the play there is a social gathering with the spectators.
The works that you can enjoy are “Romancero gitano”, “Siete Mujeres Lorquianas”, “Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su Jardín” y “Amantes Asesinados por una Pérdiz” de Poeta en Nueva York. But we are also about to premiere “Sonetos del amor oscuro”, “Doña Rosita la Soltera” and “La Casa de Bernarda Alba”.
We are waiting for you all here at the Tablao Torero at five in the afternoon.
But remember, at half past four we have a meeting with you.
Theather PlaysAvailable
- Romancero Gitano
- Amantes asesinados por una perdiz
- 7 mujeres Lorquianas
- Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín
- Yerma
- Doña Rosita Mutabile